Etiket: swift

What Is Difference Between Any, AnyObject ?
In Swift, Any and AnyObject are two different types that serve different purposes. Any is a type that can represent any value, including instances of classes, structs, enums, and even functions. Any is useful when you need to work with values of unknown type, or when you want to write generic code that can operate…

What Is Defer Keyword ? How To Use ?
In Swift, the “defer” keyword is used to specify the code to run at the end of a code block or function. No matter how complex this code block or function is, the code specified with the defer keyword is automatically executed to ensure that the block or function is complete. The defer keyword is…

What Is Typealias ? How To Use ?
In the Swift programming language, the word typealias is an expression that allows a type to be defined by a different name. This can be used to shorten the length of a type’s name or to give it a more meaningful name. A simple example for using typealias: typealias Point = (x: Int, y: Int)…

What is Completion Handler ? How To Use ?
In Swift, there is a construct called a “completion handler” for functions that are called when an operation is completed. Completion handler is a block that is called when a transaction is complete and is usually used to handle the results or errors of an asynchronous operation. Completion handler has several different use cases. One…